Ethnic Design research: Materialising ideas

Duration           One Months  
Ownership       Chao-LIng Chyou(Taiwan), Min-Yun Kim(South Korea), Peter(CN), Gareth(UK), Anonymous participant(NL)

Pattern.              Coursework
Categories      UX Research
Contribution   UX Research, design research, participatory design

Conducted to approach this primary research using the competencies and creativity that are part of a designer's practice in order to capture the experiences of your participants.

Why doing this project? and why materislising?

Materialising or making can offer many benefits in the context of research. One of the core competency of a designer is in "materialising ideas: putting 'things' into the world that only previously existing in the mind's eye of the designers". (Lockton., 2019) 

What and why is project topic?

In order to develop designer’s works, experience, and pathways. We would like to develop Reifying desgner’s development in her/him/ they projects and working as designer.


  • Realise her pathways with learning and skills her projects
  • Grab more details process in working and process in design (role, how to collaboration, skills and learning etc.)


Peter(taking notes/ documentation)

Chao-Ling(Asking question/ Facilitator)
Min (taking notes/ documentation)


30 mins


  1. Intro + welcome (give question before workshop)

2.Explanation how activities work out and some roles (documentation will remove names)

3.Conduct activities


Workshop Activities

  • (5mins)  Pre-set up: Explian the instructions and develop the design

  • (25mins) Task: let participant pick up three favourite works, short keywords to let her fill in keywords in each section in her design career pathways.

    Second, asking the questions from each site of section in more details. Each project would be taken about 5-10 minutes and documentation.


Researhch questions

  • How can she communicate and interact with people? How does she manage when she and her team's opinions are different? 
  • How does she schedule her work when she is on the project? 
  • What was her favourite project and why? And what did she get from the project? (such as design skills, communication skills or methods to resolve problems)

  • Which one does she more focus on between aesthetics and information when she does her project?
  • How does she schedule her work when she is on the project?
  • What was her favourite project and why? And what did she get from the project? (such as design skills, communication skills or methods to resolve problems)

  • What is her value when she does work/project?
  • What is your specific skill learning process being a digital designer?

How/Where to recruit participant?

Designer worked in industry who had connection within LCC (London College of communication)

First workshop - environment

Silent environment without any sound and disruption also need to be as being delivered the unbias and fair result. Used laptop only.

Workshop Task

  • Picking up your three favourites projects
  • Write up to three key words or emojis in purpose/role, skills and others also use emoji present your mood
  • At the same time, we will ask more details in the each sector

What is the metric of workshop?

  •  Knowledge points collection especially designer’s experiences, skills and values as working as designer

Insights of  workshop

Due to ethnic design research requirements, remove name and speicifc information toward insights.

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