Experimental Design research Workshop: Empower system

Duration           One Month
Ownership       Chao-LIng Chyou

Participants    30+ students (participants)
Categories       UX Research
Contribution   UX Research/ design research/ primary research

Empower system is a supporting and empower convenience consumerism system within negative effects based on existing products, in order to get more experimental ideas and experimental possibilities as ideates and solutions.

Definition of Design research

  • Broaden more experimental ideas from existing products
  • Attempt different thinking in hybrid interfaces to solve the issues from user

Definition of Experimental 

At this workshop, design research means “primary research digging out possibilities from existing product”.  

Why doing this workshop?   

The main goal is to dig out the user’s intentions, behaviours and knowledge about users, creating design objects or prototype to continuously conduct research for user’s primary need.  

How doing this workshop?

Using questions to let peers realise how those products and their materials, how it goes on to get more deeper insights from product itself. Split the questions into three parts in different stage of product lifecycle and see what does consumer, impacts may likely to be and how it react for more possibilities in design research. 

When do this workshop?

22nd October 9-12 CET Time zone

Morning: Briefing. Discussion with group. Present & discuss.

Workshop Activities

  • Pre- set up: (10mins) instructions explaination. 
  • Workshop:(70 mins) Group of members will answer the questions for product existing
  • Wrap up: (10mins) Presenting & Discussion


Takeway: What I had learned

Doing research in workshop session need to have clear and moderate documentation which will help you facilitate the session in a clear way.

As a facilitator, you may need to practice the process in several times in order to deliver the workshop session smmothly.   

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